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Talibah Soul Reiki

Sound Reiki and Usui Reiki healer

Transforming your frequency and raising your vibration

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nikola Tesla

What is Sound Reiki?

Image by Diego PH
Jumping with Joy
Meditating on Beach

Sound Reiki is:

A beautiful healing modality pioneered by Catherine Varga and Heather Hannan of the Sound Reiki Institute.  


In traditional reiki, energy flows through the hands to the recipient, with Sound Reiki however, tones are sung and aligned with intention, it is a form of vibrational medicine.


Sound Reiki works by channelling and raising universal energy that is available to us all and helps to lift your frequency enabling you to perceive situations from a higher perspective and can work faster than traditional Reiki as sound travels faster than the speed of light.

The benefits are:

  • Sound Reiki is particularly good for times when you may be feeling drained and low in energy, and you are not sure why


  • It can help you to gain clarity and peace of mind 


  • Enabling you to experience a feeling of connection and grounding


  • Can assist you in releasing old patterns and blocks


  • Can support you in balancing and aligning your energy and chakras​


  • It is also great for transforming and raising the vibrations of places and things

Why Sound Reiki with me?

As a qualified Sound Reiki Master, I aim to provide a series of workshops in person and online that will assist you to raise your vibration and transform your frequency to achieve a sense of balance and well-being.


I am also a Jazz Singer and Voice practitioner, passionate about helping people to release their voices. I will also teach you how to release blocks through expressing your voice through meditation and chanting as part of my service.

Image by Diego PH
Jumping with Joy
Meditating on Beach


Group Meditation
Happy Meditator

Sound Reiki Attunement Workshops
in person

Coming soon!

Book It

Sound Reiki Mini Workshops

October 2022

Sound Photo 1.jpg

My Story

As a child growing up, I have always been naturally intuitive able to sense and feel the energy of others, and highly creative. I did not value these gifts and have suffered from an extreme lack of self-esteem throughout my life. I kept trying to fit in instead of standing out and owning my set of unique gifts and talents.


​In the process of discovering what I want to do, I learned some rich, valuable, and beautiful lessons and also met many wonderful people who supported me along the way and if it were not for this I would not be on this path of well-ness and commitment to raising my levels of consciousness.

Here are some lovely comments from participants who experienced Sound Reiki with me in a joint workshop with Breathwork coach Dr Cathy Scanlon 

The sound reiki was so beautiful, felt very safe, held & expansive from the gorgeous intentions. So blissed out now thank you xxx


Amazing! I love the sounds and the whole energy so powerful and beautiful


Thank you, it was wonderful. I feel so much more energised now


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Image by Natalya Letunova
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